Pet Memorials

Your pets live on in memory.

On behalf of all at Larch Vet, we are honored to pay respect to our beloved animal friends and companions who have passed.

Brittney Scott

Bentley came into life on my 21st birthday and we grew into adulthood together. I can honestly say I don’t know where I would be or who I would be without him. He was my entire world, my heart beating outside of my chest.

It’s the little things I am going to miss about him most. The sloppy kisses he gave on demand, how he was always so hopeful you’d share your food with him, the smell of his fur, his “who’s my boy” high fives and how he was the best walking buddy. He was always down for an adventure or a relaxing day snuggling, he was happy as long as he was by my side. He loved making snow angels, loved to swim, and loved to explore the forest.

10/02/2012 – 01/02/2025

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